International Justice Program

The Hague, Netherlands

Penn State Dickinson Law’s International Justice Program offers students an opportunity to pursue advanced international study and gain legal experience in a global setting. Working side-by-side with senior prosecutors at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, both located in The Hague, Netherlands, students participate in some of the most significant international criminal cases being prosecuted today. 

Educational benefits of the externship include:

  • Hands on instruction in international criminal law
  • Exposure to different legal cultures
  • Instruction in the management of large complex trials
  • Instruction in alternative approaches to the introduction of trial evidence.

Students with a commitment to international criminal law and/or human rights are encouraged to apply for this semester-long program. Students interested in the International Justice Externship should consult the ICTY’s website, which includes streaming video of ongoing trials, and contact program advisor, Professor Dermot Groome.

Students interested in applying for the International Justice Externship must meet the program eligibility requirements and submit an application and other required materials. Students earn 12 credits for the semester in residence externship. In limited circumstances, the program director may permit students to earn 9 externship credits. Students earning 9 externship credits must take a 3 credit independent study in order to remain a full time student during the semester in residence in The Hague.

Interested students should meet with the program advisor (ideally in the spring of the 1L year) to plan an appropriate course of study to satisfy graduation and program eligibility requirements. Students interested in applying for the externship should plan to take the prerequisite course in international law or human rights during their 2L year.