Alumni Resources

Dickinson Law alumni continue to have access to the Career Services Office after graduation. Whether you are contemplating a new direction in your career, are seeking feedback on your résumé and cover letters, or if you would like advice on interviewing skills, our team is here to assist you. We offer career counseling and job search strategy sessions beyond graduation or if you are seeking an alternative career. We invite you to reconnect with us at any time.
Our Services
The Career Services Office assists alumni with preparation of effective résumés, cover letters, and job application correspondence, including mock interview preparation. Additionally, our staff counsel alumni with regard to career path and job search strategies, and advise alumni who are contemplating a career change.
Career Portal Access
Dickinson Law offers Career Portal access to our alumni. Alumni may request access for 90 day periods, renewable upon request. To request access to the Career Portal, please send an email containing your full name (and name at graduation, if different), preferred email address, and phone number to Dickinson Law Career Services Office.
Engage with our Students
With just a modest investment of time, participating alumni have the opportunity to share their experience and contribute to the development of future legal professionals by volunteering for the following events and opportunities. Alumni may serve as:
- Mock interviewers for Interview Preparation Day;
- Connections at our annual Speed Networking Event;
- Contacts for an informational interviews;
- Volunteers for sector-specific career panels;
- Externship supervisors for the academic Externship Program; and
- Pro bono attorneys through the Miller Center Pro Bono Research Bureau
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Dickinson Law Career Services Office.
Statement of Nondiscrimination
The University is committed to equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment for all persons. It is the policy of the University to maintain an environment free of harassment and free of discrimination against any person because of age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, gender, perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information or political ideas. Discriminatory conduct and harassment, as well as sexual misconduct and relationship violence, violates the dignity of individuals, impedes the realization of the University’s educational mission, and will not be tolerated. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Office, The Pennsylvania State University, 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901, Email:, Phone: 814-863-0471.