Jeffrey A. Dodge

Assistant Professor of Law, Joseph H. Goldstein Faculty Scholar, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

A talented academic administrator with nearly 20 years spent in legal education, Dodge has broad experience overseeing law school and university-level offices of academic affairs, student services, international programs, admissions, academic success, career services, and more. He has taught and presented on topics in the fields of family law, LGBTQ+ rights, and education law. Dodge has served as chair of three AALS sections, as an ABA accreditation site inspector, and on the LSAC’s national diversity committee. He recently completed three concurrent appointments as the director of the CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute.


Jeffrey Dodge

Location: Carlisle


Phone  717-240-5247

CV  Curriculum Vitae



Prof. Dodge’s News and Activity

Prof. Dodge in the Media

Faculty Impact

J.D., Hofstra University School of Law

B.A., University of California at San Diego

Research Interests
Explores topics at the intersection of LGBTQ+ inequality and family law, education law and international human rights.

Current Courses
Education Law Seminar

Family Law

Professional Responsibility

Gender and Sexuality Law

International Human Rights

CASA Practicum

Dodge’s Publications

Teaching Family Law Through the Lens of Minoritized Identities, in Integrating Doctrine and Diversity: Beyond the First Year (Dyszlewski Nicole ed., 2024).

From Residential to Remote Delivery in a Snap: Transitioning a 52-Year-Old Diversity Pipeline Program in a Pandemic (forthcoming).
Tweaking a Tutoring Program: Reflections on a Yearlong Process of Reinvention, AASE The Learning Curve (2021).
Fostering First Generation Success and Inclusion: A Guide for Law Schools, Carolina Academic Press (Book forthcoming).
Integrating Doctrine & Diversity: Inclusion and Equity Beyond the First Year, Carolina Academic Press (Book forthcoming).


Dodge’s Affiliations and Service to the Community

AALS Student Services Section
Chair (2023), chair-elect (2022), vice-chair (2021), and editor in chief of Insights from the Field (2021-Present)

AALS Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Issues Section
Chair (2019), chair-elect (2018), secretary (2017), and executive committee member (2017-Present)

AALS Family & Juvenile Law Section
Executive committee member (2022-Present) and Pedagogy Sub-Committee co-chair (2022-Present)

International Academy for the Study of the Jurisprudence of the Family (IASJF)

American Bar Association, Section on Legal Education and Admissions
Accreditation Site Team Member (2019-Present)

CLEO Inc. Pre-Law Summer Institute
Director (Summers 2020, 2021, & 2022)

Dodge’s Presentations and Panels

The Unfilled Promise of Obergefell for Children of Same-Sex Parents: Advancing Federal Nondiscrimination Laws for Familial Association, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, August 2021, Boca Raton, Florida) (Speaker)

Supporting our Pandemic Era Graduates, Association of American Law Schools, January 5-9, 2022, online (Panelist).

Penn State’s Coalition on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (CoDEI), December 2021 (Panelist).

Native American Heritage Month with Keynote Speaker: Mary Smith, ABA President-Elect, American Bar Association, November 14, online (Panelist)