Stanley Brand
Distinguished Fellow in Law and Government and On-site Director, Semester-in-Washington, D.C. ProgramAs on-site supervisor for the Washington, D.C. semester-in-practice program, Stanley Brand supplements the experiential learning regimen that the Washington semester students are engaged in with a meaningful classroom examination of the legal range of practice pursued in the nation’s Capital, most notably the matrix of criminal, administrative, and regulatory issues facing both government and private attorneys. The Washington, D.C. semester-in-practice is tailored to the interests of the students in the program as an adjunct to their work in externships. The course is also taught for students interested in federal regulation and legislative practice but who are not able to participate in the D.C. program. Professor Brand hopes to introduce students to the same subjects that have emerged as major components of Washington, D.C. legal practice, including lobbying regulation and government ethics. Professor Brand’s election law course focuses on the development of the campaign finance system over the past 30 years, as well as civil and criminal enforcement, the structure and policies of the FEC, as well as institutions like the electoral college and the conduct of contested elections. Professor Brand’s diverse litigation and counseling practice focuses on defending the rights of witnesses involved in government investigations. He has particular experience in the application of the separation-of-powers doctrine, and has represented individuals and organizations called upon by the U.S. Congress to testify, as well as those under congressional scrutiny. Select Publications by Professor Brand Congressional Investigations: Cases and Materials (Carolina Academic Press, 2010) (with Lance Cole) |
The American Bar Association has granted conditional approval for Penn State Dickinson Law and Penn State Law to reunify and operate as Penn State University’s single law school under the name Penn State Dickinson Law with locations in Carlisle and University Park. Danielle M. Conway is the dean of the unified Penn State Dickinson Law, which will enroll a unified class in fall 2025.