March 2019 — White House Chronicle, which recently celebrated its 20th year, making it one of the longest-running, weekly news and public affairs programs on PBS, recently featured Penn State Dickinson Law’s entrepreneurship program in an article posted on the program’s webpage. In his article entitled, “Will Smart Cities Be Haven for New Kind of Lawyer?” Mr. King wrote, “a small but distinguished law school in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, is, in its way, seeking to upend the traditional expectations of law students by teaching them law plus innovation and entrepreneurism.” After visiting the law school and speaking with students and various professors, he praised Penn State Dickinson Law for teaching students “how they can use their legal knowledge to start a business, pulling together investors, creators and visionaries.” King praised Professor Samantha Prince, who created the Penn State Dickinson Law entrepreneurship program, is an advisor for the Entrepreneurship Law Certificate that is available to students, and is founder and moderator of the Inside Entrepreneurship Law blog. Professor Samantha Prince has been an Associate Professor of Lawyering Skills and Entrepreneurship since 2016.
Professor Samantha Prince is an Associate Professor of Lawyering Skills and Entrepreneurship at Penn State Dickinson Law. She has a Master of Laws in Taxation from Georgetown University Law Center, and was a partner in a regional law firm where she handled transactional matters that ranged from an initial public offering to regular representation of a publicly-traded company. Most of her clients were small to medium sized businesses and entrepreneurs, including start-ups. An expert in entrepreneurship law, she established the Penn State Dickinson Law entrepreneurship program, is an advisor for the Entrepreneurship Law Certificate that is available to students, and is the founder and moderator of the Inside Entrepreneurship Law blog.