August 2020 — West Academic published teaching materials that Professor Laurel S. Terry and her co-authors prepared to support the Spring 2020 publication of the 4th edition of their Professional Responsibility casebook. The supplemental materials included a lengthy teacher’s manual, teaching slides, and Professor Responsibility questions for West’s Casebook Plus bank of questions.
Professor Terry’s casebook is entitled Renee Knake Jefferson, Russell G. Pearce, Bruce A. Green, Peter A. Joy, Sung Hui Kim, M. Ellen Murphy, Laurel S. Terry, and Lonnie T. Brown, Jr., Professional Responsibility: A Contemporary Approach, 4th Edition (West 2020). In addition to publishing the Casebook, teachers’ manual, Casebook Plus questions, and teaching slides, Professor Terry prepared sixteen flipped lectures, with more than two hours of content, on topics related to Chapter 2. With COVID-19 in mind, the Casebook co-authors agreed to prepare these flipped classroom recordings for each other and for a few beta testers with the idea of offering these lectures more broadly in the future. Professor Terry’s flipped lectures addressed Chapter 2 and topics that included: Defining the Practice of Law (including UPL, MJP, and lawyer-nonlawyer fee-sharing and co-ownership issues); Creating the Lawyer-Client Relationship; Ending the Lawyer-Client Relationship; Competence (including disciplinary, malpractice and ineffective assistance of counsel mechanisms); and Principles that Govern the Lawyer-Client Relationship (including issues that involve the allocation of decisionmaking authority between lawyers and clients, and the issue of representing clients with diminished capacity). In addition to updating Chapter 2 and reviewing other casebook Chapters, Professor Terry was responsible for writing and updating the “Global Perspective” boxes that appear throughout the Casebook.
Professor Laurel Terry, who holds the H. Laddie Montague, Jr. Chair in Law, is a three-time Fulbright recipient who writes and teaches about the impact of globalization on the legal profession, especially with respect to regulatory issues. Her scholarship has identified emerging issues for the legal profession and urged stakeholder engagement, new initiatives, and regulatory reform. In addition to speaking at academic and professional conferences, she has been invited to speak about her scholarship to has been invited to speak about her scholarship to organizations that include the Conference of Chief Justices, the National Conference of Bar Examiners, the National Organization of Bar Counsel, the National Conference of Bar Presidents, the CCBE, which represents EU’s legal profession and legal regulators, the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, the International Institute of Law Association Chief Executives, the International Bar Association, and the International Conference of Legal Regulators. Her scholarship is available at and her presentation slides are available at