Laurel S. Terry

Professor of Law, Emerita and H. Laddie Montague Jr. Chair in Law, Emerita

Laurel S. Terry is a three-time Fulbright recipient who writes and teaches about the impact of globalization on the legal profession, especially with respect to regulatory issues. Her scholarship has identified emerging issues for the legal profession and urged stakeholder engagement, new initiatives, and regulatory reform.

Professor Terry has participated in numerous academic conferences in the U.S. and elsewhere, and has delivered three named ethics lectures. In addition to academic conferences, she has been invited to speak about her scholarship to the Conference of Chief Justices, the National Conference of Bar Examiners, the National Organization of Bar Counsel, the National Conference of Bar Presidents, the CCBE, the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, IILACE, and the International Conference of Legal Regulators.

Professor Terry’s recent scholarship has focused on the need for regulatory objectives, proactive lawyer regulation, and anti-money laundering initiatives. She has written about the international networks in the legal profession and the impact on the legal profession of the GATS, FATF, the Bologna Process, antitrust initiatives, and UK, Canadian, and Australian and U.S. lawyer regulation reforms.

Professor Terry is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Order of the Coif, and the American Law Institute. Before her academic career, she served as a law clerk for the Hon. A.T. Goodwin of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, as an extern for the Hon. J.L. Oakes of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and practiced in the litigation department of a large law firm in Portland, Oregon.

Select Publications by Professor Terry

Laurel S. Terry and José Carlos Llerena Robles, “The Relevance of FATF’s Recommendations and 4th Round of Mutual Evaluations to the Legal Profession,” 42 Fordham Int’l L. J. 627 (2018).

Laurel S. Terry, “The Impact of Global Developments on U.S. Legal Ethics During the Past Thirty Years,” 30 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 365 (2017).
Laurel S. Terry, “The Power of Lawyer Regulators to Increase Client & Public Protection Through Adoption of a Proactive Regulation System,” 20 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 717.

Laurel S. Terry, Steve Mark, Tahlia Gordon, “Adopting Regulatory Objectives for the Legal Profession,” 80 Fordham L. Rev. 2685 (2012).

Laurel S. Terry, “From GATS to APEC: The Impact of Trade Agreements on Legal Services,” 43 Akron L. Rev. 875 (2010).

Laurel S. Terry


CV  Curriculum Vitae



Prof. Terry’s News and Activity

Prof. Terry in the Media

Faculty Impact

J.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Order of the Coif

B.A., University of California, San Diego, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa

Research Interests
Globalization and the Legal Profession

Current Courses
Civil Procedure

Globalization & The Legal Profession Seminar

Practicing Law in a Global World: Contexts & Competencies

Professional Responsibility

Terry’s Publications


Jefferson et. al., PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH (5th ed. 2023) (forthcoming)(with Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen, Lonnie T. Brown Jr., Bruce A. Green, Renee Knake Jefferson, Peter A. Joy, Sung Hui Kim, and Russell G. Pearce)

Laurel S. Terry, The Role of the ABA’s “Summits” in Facilitating Global Networks and International Cross-Border Legal Practice, 28 Southwestern J. Int’l L. __ (2022)(forthcoming)

Russell Pearce, Daniel J. Capra, Bruce A. Green, Renee Knake and Laurel Terry, Professional Responsibility, A Contemporary Approach (Interactive Casebooks) (West 3rd ed. 2017) (and blog).

Laurel S. Terry, GATS: A Revised Handbook for International Bar Association Member Bars (Rev. ed. 2013).

Selected Book Chapters

Laurel S. Terry, Ch. 12: Globalization and Regulation in Paul Haskins, ed. The Relevant Lawyer: Reimagining the Future of the Legal Profession 157 (ABA 2015).

Laurel S. TerryLawyers, Regulation of in James Wright Ed., 13 International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 619-627 (2nd ed. 2015) (Elsevier Ltd. Oxford).

Erica Moeser and Laurel Terry, Legal Services in the United States in Aik Hoe Lim and Bart De Meester (editors), Domestic Regulation And Services Trade: Putting Principles Into Practice129-141 (Cambridge University Press 2014).


Laurel S. Terry and José Carlos Llerena Robles, The Relevance of FATF’s Recommendations and 4th Round of Mutual Evaluations, 42 Fordham J. Int’l L. __ (2018)(forthcoming).

Laurel S. Terry, The Impact of Global Developments on U.S. Legal Ethics During the Past Thirty Years, 30 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 365 (2017).

Laurel S. Terry, The Power of Lawyer Regulators to Increase Client & Public Protection Through Adoption of a Proactive Regulation System, 20 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 717 (2016).

Laurel S. Terry, U.S. Legal Profession Efforts to Combat Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing, 59 N. Y. L. S. L. Rev. 487 (2014/15).

Laurel S. Terry, Globalization and the ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20: Reflections on Missed Opportunities and the Road Not Taken, 43 Hofstra L. Rev. 95 (2014).

Laurel S. Terry, Putting the Legal Profession’s Monopoly on the Practice of Law in a Global Context, 82 Fordham L. Rev. 2903 (2014).

Laurel S. Terry, Reflections on Lawyer Mobility, Accountability, and Regulatory Systems: Has the Time Come to Talk About the Elephant in the Room? 16 Legal Ethics 284 (2013).

Laurel S. Terry, Trends in Global and Canadian Lawyer Regulation, 76 Saskatchewan L. Rev. 145 (2013).

Laurel S. Terry, Steve Mark, Tahlia Gordon, Adopting Regulatory Objectives for the Legal Profession, 80 Fordham L. Rev. 2685 (2012).

Laurel S. Terry, Steve Mark, Tahlia Gordon, Trends and Challenges in Lawyer Regulation: The Impact of Globalization and Technology, 80 Fordham L. Rev. 2661 (2012).

Laurel S. Terry, Preserving the Rule of Law in the 21st Century: The Importance of Infrastructure and the Need to Create a Global Lawyer Regulatory Umbrella Organization, 2012 Mich. St. L. Rev. 735.

Laurel S. Terry, From GATS to APEC: The Impact of Trade Agreements on Legal Services, 43 Akron L. Rev. 875 (2010).

Laurel S. Terry, The European Commission Project Regarding Competition in Professional Services, 29 Northwestern J. Int’l L. & Bus. 1 (2009).

Laurel S. Terry, The Bologna Process and its Impact in Europe: Much More than Degree Changes, 41 Vanderbilt J. Transnat’l L. 107 (2008).

Laurel Terry, The Future Regulation of the Legal Profession: The Impact of Treating the Legal Profession as “Service Providers,” 2008 J. Professional Lawyer 189 (2008).

Laurel S. Terry, The Legal World is Flat: Globalization and its Effect on Lawyers Practicing in Non-Global Law Firms, 28 Northwestern J. Int’l L. & Bus. 527 (2008).

Laurel S. Terry, An Introduction to the Financial Action Task Force and its 2008 Lawyer Guidance, 2010 J. Prof. Law. 3.

Laurel S. Terry, The GATS and Legal Services in Limerick, 15 Michigan St. J. Int’l L. 635 (2007).

Shorter Articles and Essays

Laurel Terry, Is Climate Change Really a Lawyer Regulation Issue?, JOTWELL (October 19, 2022) (reviewing Victor B. Flatt, Disclosing the Danger: State Attorney Ethics Rules Meet Climate Change, 2020 Utah L. Rev. 569 (2020))

Laurel Terry, Rethinking Admissions Requirements: It’s a Global Phenomenon, JOTWELL (August 4, 2021) (reviewing Jordan Furlong, Law Society of Alberta, Lawyer Licensing and Competence in Alberta (Nov. 2020))

Laurel S. Terry, JOTWELL Blog Posts about the Legal Profession.

Laurel S. Terry, Admitting Foreign-Trained Lawyers in States Other than New York: Why it Matters, 83(4) Bar Examiner 38 (Dec. 2014).

Laurel S. Terry, Why Your Jurisdiction Should Consider Jumping On The Regulatory Objectives Bandwagon, 22(1) Prof. L. 28 (Dec. 2013).

Laurel S. Terry, Creating an International Network of Lawyer Regulators: The 2012 International Conference of Legal Regulators, 82(2) Bar Examiner 18 (June 2013).

Laurel S. Terry, Transnational Legal Practice [2015], 50 ABA/SIL (n.s.) 531 (2016).

Laurel S. Terry and Carole Silver, Transnational Legal Practice [2014], 49 ABA/SIL (n.s.) 413 (2015).

Laurel S. Terry, Transnational Legal Practice (International) [2010-2012], 47 Int’l L. 485 (2013).

Laurel S. Terry, Transnational Legal Practice (United States) [2010-2012], 47 Int’l L. 499 (2013).

Terry’s Affiliations and Service to Community

Recent International and National Appointments

Pennsylvania Bar Association Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee

ABA Standing Committee on International Trade in Legal Services

International Bar Association’s BIC International Trade in Legal Services Committee
BIC Member

Regulation Committee, and PPID Regulation of Lawyers’ Compliance Committee

ABA Task Force on Gatekeeper Regulation and the Profession
Member (concluded 8-2021)

American Law Institute
Member (appointed 2009)

Terry’s Presentations and Panels


Speaker, Globalising your practice — challenges and opportunities, sponsored by the International Bar Association (Miami Beach, Oct. 30, 2022)

Speaker, Anti-Money Laundering Regulation — From Education to Compliance: Where Should the Balance Lie, International Conference of Legal Regulators (Chicago, Oct. 28, 2022)

Moderator, Exploring New Models of Legal Services Regulation: What Makes Sense in Our Changing World?, 47th ABA National Conference on Professional Responsibility (Baltimore, Jun. 2, 2022)

Speaker, Different Goals, Conflicting Interests? — Regulation of Lawyers by Government Agencies vs. Regulation of Lawyers by State Supreme Courts, 47th ABA National Conference on Professional Responsibility (Baltimore, Jun. 2, 2022)

Participant, Proactive Management Based Regulation (PMBR) Roundtable, ABA Standing Committee on Professional Regulation (Virtual, Mar. 15, 2022)

Participant, 2021 CAN-AM Regulators’ Roundtable (held in conjunction with 46th National Conference on Professional Responsibility) (Virtual, June 1, 2021)

Speaker, Measuring Competence: Global Developments and Comparisons, National Conference of Bar Examiners [NCBE]’s Annual Bar Admissions Conference (Virtual, April 16, 2021)

Speaker, Remote Border Crossing: Covid 19, Changes in Lawyer Mobility, and International Trade in Legal Services, Webinar sponsored by the ABA CPR, ABA ITILS, and ABA Standing Committee on Regulation (Virtual, March 24, 2021)

Speaker, Virtual Reality: PMBR Past, Present & Future, National Organization of Bar Counsel [NOBC] (Virtual, Feb. 12, 2021)


Terry’s Awards and Recognition

Recipient, 2022 Hon. Sylvia H. Rambo Award, from the Penn State Dickinson Law Women’s Law Caucus (March 16, 2022)

Dedication to Laurel Terry in Volume 126(1) of the Dickinson Law Review, 126 Dick. L. Rev. 1 (2021)

Terry’s ​​​​​​​Government Engagement and Other Law Reform Efforts

Laurel Terry, Written Comments and Oral Testimony, ABA Joint Working Group Second Discussion Draft of Possible Amendments to Model Rules of Professional Conduct Concerning Lawyers’ Client Due Diligence Obligations (Virtual, Aug. 31, 2022)

Laurel Terry, Written Comments and Oral Testimony, ABA Joint Working Group Discussion Draft of Possible Amendments to Model Rules of Professional Conduct Concerning Lawyers’ Client Due Diligence Obligations (Virtual, Feb. 15, 2022)