Michele Vollmer

Associate Dean, Clinics and Experiential Learning; Director, Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic; and Clinical Professor of Law

Prior to joining Penn State Law, Professor Vollmer served as a senior counsel in the Division of Enforcement for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. In 2006, she received an award from the Department of Justice for her work in assisting the Enron Task Force with its criminal prosecutions. She also represented the Commission in both litigation and appellate matters for the SEC’s Office of the General Counsel. Before joining the SEC, she was a partner in a law firm practicing commercial litigation.

Professor Vollmer directs the Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic, teaches Civil Pretrial Practice & Advocacy, Veterans Benefits Law, and created and teaches in the law school’s Explore Law program. She also helped to develop and taught Introduction to Common Law Analysis and Language, an online course for foreign-trained lawyers. Professor Vollmer also serves as a Board Member for the National Law School Veterans Clinic Consortium, and as a consultant to the College of Liberal Art’s online Penn State World Campus undergraduate major in Law and Society.

Michele Vollmer

Location: University Park

Email  mrv3@psu.edu

Phone  814-867-2805

CV  Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Vollmer in the Media

Faculty Impact

J.D., Duke University, with honors

B.A., University of Notre Dame, with highest honors

Current Courses

Advanced Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic

Civil Pre-Trial Practice and Advocacy

Civil Pre-Trial Practice and Advocacy — Fall 2021

Veterans and Servicemembers Legal Clinic

Veterans Benefits Law

Vollmer’s Publications

Veterans Advocacy in Pennsylvania: Basic Veterans Law (PBI 2022), Chapters 3 and 4 (addressing appeals before the Board of Veterans Appeals and U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims)

Veteran’s Benefits, in Elder Law In Pennsylvania (4th ed. 2019) (with Leah J. Davis)

A Legal Writing Refresher On Effective Persuasive Writing Techniques, in Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s 28th Annual Criminal Law Symposium Materials (2011)