Julie Tedjeske Crane

Professor of Legal Research and Reference Librarian

Julie Tedjeske Crane is a Reference Librarian and Professor of Legal Research at the H. Laddie Montague Jr. Law Library at Penn State Dickinson Law. In addition to her library-related responsibilities, Professor Crane teaches legal research in the first-year curriculum and upper-level courses.

Professor Crane has worked as an attorney for over 15 years, practicing general civil litigation. She has also been a librarian at La Roche College, the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, and Chicago-Kent School of Law. She is interested in instructional design, UX design, critical legal information literacy, and promoting the use of open educational resources (OER). In addition to her library and law degrees, she has a Certificate in Instructional Design from Georgetown University, and she has been qualified as a Certified Canvas Educator and a Quality Matters Peer Reviewer.

Professor Crane received her J.D., an M.S. in Information Science, an M.L.S., and a B.A., magna cum laude, all from the University of Pittsburgh. She was a managing editor and published member of the University of Pittsburgh Law Review and was elected to the National Order of Barristers. She is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar.

Julie Tedjeske Crane

Location: Carlisle

Email  jmt1@psu.edu

Phone  717-240-5229

CV  Curriculum Vitae

Faculty Impact


J.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Law

M.S., (Information Science), M.L.S., B.A., magna cum laude, University of Pittsburgh

Crane’s Publications

Book Review: Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed, Law Library Journal (forthcoming, Winter 2023)

Writing for the Web, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (November 2022)  

Librarians as Educational Developers: Purdue’s IMPACT Program, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (October 4, 2022)  

Program Review: Are We Doing Ourselves a Disservice: Reconceptualizing Service, Value, and the Professional Nature of the Modern Law Librarian, ALL-SIS Newsletter (Fall 2022) 

Program Review: Using Open Educational Resources to Make Law School More Accessible and Affordable, ALL-SIS Newsletter (Fall 2022) 

Creating Significant Learning Experiences, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (August 23, 2022)  

Emotions and Emotional Work in Law Librarianship, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (June 27, 2022)  

Inclusive ADDIE, ALL-SIS Newsletter (Summer 2022)

Quality Matters, ALL-SIS Newsletter (Spring 2022)

Post-Pandemic Teaching and Learning, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (May 16, 2022) 

Emotions in Teaching and Learning, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (April 11, 2022) 

Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education, LIT-SIS Blog (March 15, 2022) 

Embedding Content, Instruction, and Librarians into Learning Management Systems (LMSs), RIPS Law Librarian Blog (March 9, 2022)  

Out of Office: The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working from Home, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (January 25, 2022) 

Remote and Hybrid Work, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (January 10, 2022) 

The Accessibility and Usability Resource Site (AURS), AALL Legal Innovation & Technology SIS (December 15, 2021) 

Best Practices for Creating LibGuides, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (November, 9 2021) 

Small Hack and Big Picture Approaches to Time Management, RIPS Law Librarian Blog (October 13, 2021) 

Reflections on eCornell’s Psychology of Leadership Course, PEGA-SIS Newsletter (October 8, 2021) 

What I Learned at Summer Camp (About UX Design Improvements for LibGuides), RIPS Law Librarian Blog (September 22, 2021) 

Program Review: How Persistent Identifiers Can Change the Impact Landscape for Legal Scholarship, ALL-SIS Newsletter (Fall 2021)  

Program Review: Faculty Learning Communities, New Technologies, and Constant Change, ALL-SIS Newsletter (Fall 2021) 

My Experience With Two Online Certificate Programs, ALL-SIS Newsletter (Fall 2021) 

Crane’s Affiliations and Service to Community

Chair, Job Descriptions Database Committee, Legal Innovation and Technology Special Interest Section, American Association of Law Libraries

Chair, Online Training Committee, Research Instruction and Patron Services Special Interest Section, American Association of Law Libraries

Board Member, ALL-SIS Newsletter, American Association of Law Libraries

Crane’s Presentations and Panels

Speaker, Cool Tools: Prezi Video, 2022 AALL Annual Conference

Coordinator and Moderator, Incorporating User Experience Design and Design Thinking into Research Guide Development, 2022 AALL Annual Conference

Crane’s Potentially Relevant Continuing Education

Collaborative Leadership Certificate, IDEO (expected December 2022)

User Experience for Libraries Certificate, Library Juice Academy, 2022

Canvas Certified Educator Certificate, Instructure, 2022

Qualified as Quality Matters Peer Reviewer, Quality Matters, 2022