Student Organizations

Student organization fair

Students at Dickinson Law have a breadth of opportunities to get involved with their campus community. Below are just some of the opportunities that await you. The Student Bar Association frequently forms new groups and holds events based upon student interest.

Student Bar Association (SBA)

The Student Bar Association (SBA) is Dickinson Law’s student government organization. Composed of all law students, the SBA is led by an executive board elected by the student body. The SBA oversees and allocates funding for student organizations and events, and it is the formal liaison between students, faculty, and administration.

Reflecting their diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and passions, Dickinson Law students explore shared interests and advance common causes through a variety of student organizations.

2024-2025 Executive Board

President — Joshua Hanson
Vice President — Rebecca Hatton
Treasurer — A.J. Fink
Secretary — Nicole Cesanek

Deputy Treasurer — Alice Lu
PSU Senator — Ben Hill
ABA/LSD Representative — Jacob E. Maguire

3L Class Representatives
    Miyah Kureishy
    Amber Paulino

2L Class Representatives
    Morgan Ambrosecchia
    Morgan Sandler
    Enid Swaggert

1L Class Representatives
    Uzoma Elekwachi
    Drew Lemon
    Devon Spiva

1L Honor Code Representatives
    Julia Biles
    Cristen Williams

Faculty Advisor — Assistant Dean Giselle Santibañez-Bania

American Constitution Society

The American Constitution Society for Law & Policy is America’s largest progressive legal network. The Dickinson Law chapter was founded in 2018. ACS was founded on the principle that the law should be a force to improve the lives of all people.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Jeremy Zimmerman
Vice President — Angela Osimen
Secretary — Jordan Hodess
Treasurer — Jacob E. Maguire
Communications Director — Haile Proctor

Faculty Advisor — Dean Danielle M. Conway 

Animal Legal Defense Fund — Penn State Dickinson Law Chapter

Animal Legal Defense Fund — Penn State Dickinson Law Chapter (SALDF) is dedicated to providing a forum for education, advocacy, and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, and raising the profile of the field of animal law. The Dickinson Law SALDF hosts speakers and documentary nights, and conducts field trips to animal sanctuaries and shelters to help educate others about animal rights.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Joe DePasquale
Vice President — Jeremy Zimmerman
Treasurer — Andriana Vega

Faculty Advisor — Megan Riesmeyer

Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)

The purpose of the Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) is to foster community involvement and professional development of its members. Our goal is to promote a greater understanding of APA issues and culture within Dickinson Law and provide opportunities for students to engage with the APA community. APALSA is dedicated to advocating for Asian Pacific American leadership in all areas of law by encouraging the sharing, networking, and cooperation between all ethnic groups. APALSA is open to Dickinson Law students of every background.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Jingyang Zhang
Vice President — Uyen Nguyen
Treasurer — Mercedes Ramanathan
Secretary — Komal Bains
Special Events Chair — Raisa Zaman

Advisor — Thomas Lee

Black Law Students Association (BLSA)

The Black Law Students Association (BLSA) at Penn State Dickinson Law seeks to articulate and promote the educational, professional, political, and social needs and goals of Black law students. On campus, we create a space for cultural celebration, opportunities for academic enrichment, and a forum for discussing issues that affect the African Diaspora. Founded in 1968, the National Black Law Students Association (NBLSA) is the largest entirely student-run organization in the United States, with nearly 6,000 members across 200 chapters and six different countries including the Bahamas, Nigeria, and South Africa.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Menen Pierre
Vice President — Ben Hill
Treasurer — Shontaé Petrie
Secretary — Angela Osimen
Social/Community Service Chair —  Maedot Teweldemedhin

Faculty Advisor — Megan Riesmeyer

Business Law Society

Dickinson Law’s Business Law Society is a student organization dedicated to enhancing Dickinson Law students’ legal education by promoting interdisciplinary work in law and business. The Business Law Society works with Professor Samantha Prince to help emerging start-ups within the Penn State University LaunchBox program and across Pennsylvania by hosting workshops and lectures designed to assist aspiring entrepreneurs in pre- and post-venture stages of start-up development with the legal tools necessary for success. Members have an opportunity to forge professional relationships within the business legal community, submit blog posts for “Inside Entrepreneurship Law,” and gain real-life experience needed to facilitate entrepreneurial growth after graduating law school.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Tim Azizkhan

Faculty Advisor — Samantha Prince

Christian Law Community (CLC)

The Christian Law Community (CLC) is dedicated to the encouragement of students, faculty, and staff as we seek to integrate faith into our studies and careers. We exist to serve each other, the Dickinson Law community, and the city of Carlisle. We are non-sectarian and non-denominational, and welcome members of all convictions in open dialogue in a spirit of love.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Harker Mangum
Vice President — Noah Jamison
Treasurer — Nicholas Nizinski
Secretary — James Garrett
Outreach Coordinator — Lyubomir Avdzhiyski

Advisor — Kristin Thomas

Criminal Law Society

The Criminal Law Society is dedicated to preparing students for careers in criminal prosecution and criminal defense through networking, professional education, and promoting dialogue to address current issues. The organization provides learning opportunities for students by arranging professional speakers, coordinating trips to agencies of interest, and apprising students of relevant professional trainings; aids the development of professional contacts among student members and attorneys practicing in the field of criminal law; and seeks to instill in its members respect for and commitment to the virtues and values necessary to the fair and impartial functioning of the criminal justice system. The Criminal Law Society will endeavor, in conjunction with classes, professors, and the school Career Services Office, to help all interested students explore, prepare for, and succeed in careers in criminal law.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Samantha DiPasquale
Vice President — Isaac Praseedom
Treasurer — Janvi Patel
Secretary — Benjamin Orzolek

Faculty Advisor — Heidi Freese

Dickinson Intellectual Property Law Society (DIPLS)

Dickinson Intellectual Property Law Society (DIPLS) offers all interested law students of any educational background a forum in which to learn about the IP legal profession and its current issues. We also connect students with alumni and other leaders in the IP sector and further the reputation of Dickinson Law as an institution for preparing students to become successful IP attorneys.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Alejandra Edwards
Vice President — Owen Dombert
Treasurer — Kayla Maher

Faculty Advisor — Martin Skladany

Dickinson Law Review

The Dickinson Law Review is the Law School’s flagship journal. It is one of the oldest law reviews in the country and is credited with having the first woman law review editor, Julia Radle, in 1898. Its commitment to excellence and student opportunities has remained steadfast over its 120+ year history. Students who have completed their first year of law school have the opportunity to be selected for law review. Participation on law review is a two-year commitment, which includes writing a scholarly comment that will potentially be published. Students who participate on law review earn course credit and have a tremendous opportunity to advance their writing, editing, and leadership skills. Visit Dickinson Law Review for more information.

2024-2025 Executive Board

Editor-in-Chief — Ana Maria Matovic
Managing Editor — Jake Toth
Executive Articles Editor — Alyssa Boob
Executive Comments Editor — Chad Rosander
Executive Book Review Editor — Nicholas J. Nizinski
Executive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Editor — Llewellyn Searing
Executive Research Editor — Benjamin Moyer
Executive Editor for Digital Media — Nathan White
Executive Symposium Editor — James V. Scaglione

Articles Editors
    Mark Franchak
    Hunter Jensen
    Ethan Kincaid
    Isaac Praseedom

Comments Editors
    Steffanie Craig 
    Luke Gorman
    Joshua Hanson
    Sara Klinge
    Chandler Penn

Senior Editors
    Bethany A. Carter
    J. Patrick Moll
    Alex Roth
    Yi Wu

Associate Editors
    Morgan Ambrosecchia
    Madison Cain
    Peter Clark
    Crystal J. Elsner
    Ivan Garcia
    Rebecca Hatton
    Benjamin Hill
    Jacob E. Maguire
    Katherine McCafferty
    Sanya Memon
    Colton Mitchell
    Mary Murphy
    Nicholas A. Musgrave
    Marcus Myers
    Divya Patel
    Catalina Peñéñory
    Morgan B. Sandler
    Nicholas Stackhouse
    Shawna Traver
    Dominic A. Weiss
    Chante Whyte

Faculty Advisor — Sabrina Sondhi

Dickinson National Security Law Association (DNSLA)

The Dickinson National Security Law Association (DNSLA) looks to raise awareness, cultivate scholarship, and generate professional development opportunities for law students curious about one of today’s most exciting — and increasingly important — legal practice areas. National Security Law (NSL) touches a vast swathe of disciplines and implicates the most awesome powers wielded by government. As great-power competition returns to the world stage, and as national security threats expand from the kinetic into the digital domain, NSL continues to become more relevant and more consequential.

Unlike most other practice specialties, NSL has no established career pathway. DNSLA helps rising legal professionals surmount this obstacle by facilitating networking opportunities with NSL subject-matter experts and practitioners, by inviting guest speakers, by fostering academic research opportunities for students, and by exposing students to a kaleidoscope of NSL events, course offerings, and programs.

2024-2025 Executive Board

President — Ayesha Iqbal
Vice-President — Kristen Ramillano
Treasurer — Jonathan Longhurst
Executive Secretary — Harker Mangum
Executive Media Coordinator — Anna Cook

Faculty Advisor — Amy Gaudion

Environmental Law Society (ELS)

The Environmental Law Society (ELS) is an organization of students interested in issues relating to environmental law, conservation, and energy. The members of this society seek to improve the environment in a myriad of ways; including focusing on legal issues, promoting the environment for the local community, and education concerning current and future advances associated with environmental technology. 

ELS networks with attorneys regionally and across the country to assist each other in promoting awareness and improvement of environmental issues.  These attorneys connect with ELS students, which gives them the ability to deepen their understanding and learn of internship, externship, and employment opportunities within the environmental protection community.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Leonard Sandler
Vice President — Jeremy Zimmerman
Treasurer — Abdullah Ali
Secretary — Nick Musgraves
Web Team Coordinator — Jack Kenyon

Faculty Advisor — Emily Spottswood

Federal Bar Association at Dickinson Law

The Federal Bar Association (FBA) is dedicated to promoting the welfare, interests, education, and professional development of attorneys involved in federal law. With more than 14,000 members — including 2,000 federal judges — its members run the gamut of federal practice, from small to large firms, corporations and federal agencies. The FBA serves as the catalyst for communication between the bar and the bench, as well as the private and public sectors.

Joining the FBA entitles you to membership within the national organization as well as within your local FBA chapter. Members receive a host of special benefits designed to uphold the mission of the FBA and support each member’s career within the federal legal system. The Student Chapter works closely with the Pennsylvania Middle District FBA Chapter to host multiple events, and we additionally have sent students to FBA national conferences and competitions.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Ethan Kincaid
Vice President — Benjamin Moyer
Treasurer — Luke Gorman
Student Liaison — Llewellyn Searing
Secretary — Haile Proctor
Media & Events Coordinator — Kristen Ramillano
2L Representative — Nick Musgraves

Federalist Society

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society’s main purpose is to sponsor fair, serious, and open debate to ensure that legal principles that have not been the subject of sufficient attention for the past several decades receive a fair hearing.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — James Scaglione
Vice President — Johnathan Longhurst
Director of Finance — Ryan Durkee
Director of Speakers — Ansel Childers
Director of Engagement — Daniel Barber
Director of Communications — Josiah Montgomery

Faculty Advisor — William Barker

Health Law and Policy Society

It is the mission of the Health Law and Policy Society (HLS) to provide learning and experiential opportunities to law students with an interest in the legal, ethical, and political issues that affect health care. The organization educates students on health law issues by sponsoring health law related programs that will benefit our members, the law school community and the general public. In order to serve this purpose, the Society invites speakers to discuss issues relating to health law including health care reform, fraud and abuse, quality care, risk management, compliance, access to health care, financing and organization, bioethics, medicine, and private health. Panel discussions and presentations enable students to learn about issues in the health law field in the absence of a formal course. Additionally, the Society coordinates programs to increase the wellness and health of the law students by interacting with Student Services. The Society strives to encourage and empower its members, as future lawyers, to become informed and talented health care advocates.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Camryn Griffon
Vice President — Casey Grohowski
Treasurer and Events Coordinator — Caitlin Godsey
Secretary — Nicole Cesanek

Faculty Advisor — Medha Makhlouf 


Hearsay is all-inclusive organization for students who enjoy arranging, singing, and/or listening to a wide range of music genres in the form of student-led acapella. Hearsay will strive to bring a creative, social, and musical outlet to students via rehearsals, by linking with a music-based community, and performance opportunities for the benefit of all students, faculty, and staff. 

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Jeremy Zimmerman
Vice President — Rachel Pracht
Music Director — Lindsay Herold
Treasurer — Andriana Vega
Social Media Chair — Ethan Bulger

Faculty Advisor — Andrea J. Martin

International Law Society

The International Law Society at Penn State Dickinson Law aims to broaden and advance the study, research and exploration of International Law and promote the social and academic interaction between domestic and international students by facilitating the development of personal and professional relationships.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Catalina Penenory
Vice President — James Garrett
Treasurer — Vee Sharma
Secretary — Jingyang Zhang
2L Class Representative — Sofi Phillipps
2L Class Representative — Cassandra Arroyo

Faculty Advisor — William Butler

Intramural Sports

Dickinson Law Intramural Sports aims to encourage students to engage in healthy activity, foster relationships with other students outside of the classroom, and enjoy some relief from typical law school stress in a structured and fun environment. Thanks to ample student participation, we are able to host a variety of sports such as flag football, soccer, basketball, and even sponsor an annual trip to Charlottesville, Virginia for University of Virginia Law’s annual softball tournament.

President— Kristen Ramillano

Advisor — Kalene Faircloth

Jewish Law Student Association (JLSA)

The Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) seeks to create and maintain an inclusive, supportive community for Jewish law students and allies. JLSA will pursue this purpose by offering a diverse range of educational, professional, cultural, and social programming to address the similarly varied views and issues important to its members and interested individuals in the broader Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania region.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Jordan Hodess
Vice President — Leonard Sandler
Treasurer — Camryn Griffon
Secretary — Benjamin Moyer

Faculty Advisor — Andrea Martin

Latinx Law Student Association (LLSA)

The Latinx Law Student Association (LLSA) seeks to remedy the underrepresentation of Latinx in all segments of the legal community. To achieve this goal, LLSA assists the Admissions Office on recruitment and retention matters and strives to provide enrolled Latinx students with strong academic and social support. Furthermore, LLSA welcomes ALL individuals who are interested or curious to learn about Latin culture and legal issues specific to our communities.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Matthew Feiler
Vice President — Victoria Martinez
Secretary — Daniella Cuellar
2L Representative — Natalie Cestone

Faculty Advisor — Assistant Dean Giselle Santibañez-Bania

Middle Eastern and South Asian Law Students Association (MESALSA)

The purpose of Middle Eastern and South Asian Law Students Association (MESALSA) is to help establish a strong and consistent source of support, mentorship, community service opportunities, representation, and understanding for our members and the Dickinson Law community. We provide an inclusive and informative space for students of Middle Eastern/South Asian descent and any other interested members of Dickinson Law to find and consolidate relevant resources for academic and career success. Our goal is to add to the school’s culture of inclusivity and support by facilitating open dialogue and other events to address a broad range of relative topics for MESALSA members and the Dickinson Law community.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Alainah Aamir
Vice President — Divya Patel
Treasurer — Isaac Praseedom
Secretary — Ayesha Iqbal

Faculty Advisor — Medha Makhlouf

Military Law Caucus (MLC)

The mission of the Military Law Caucus (MLC) at Penn State Dickinson Law is to organize and support all law students who are former veterans or current members of the United States Armed Forces, (United States Army, United States Navy, United States Air Force, United States Marine Corps, and United States Coast Guard), students who are interested in pursuing legal careers in the military, and students passionate about veterans rights. MLC seeks to promote and raise awareness of the career possibilities found in the United States Armed Forces as well as partner with veterans organizations that seek to educate the public on veterans affairs and provide veterans legal assistance. The MLC welcomes all students with interest in the military, military law, veterans affairs, or global strategic policy.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Luke Sternick
Vice President — A.J. Fink
Treasurer — Kristen Ramillano
Secretary — Nicholas Nizinski

Faculty Advisor — Amy Gaudion

Moot Court Board

Dickinson Law students have the opportunity to participate in national moot court competitions. Team members, chosen each year through an intraschool competition, advance their writing, problem-solving, and advocacy skills under the guidance of faculty members and experienced lawyers. We sponsor moot court teams in a variety of areas such as labor law, environmental law, securities law, constitutional law, and transnational law.

2024-2025 Executive Board
Chief Executive — Ruth Atomate
Vice Chair — Ben Dewhurst
Treasurer — Madison Jackson
Recruitment Chair — Mariama Barry
Intraschool Competition Chair — KC Read-Fisher

Faculty Advisor — Andrea J. Martin

The Moving Party

The Moving Party is an organization that creates a culture of inclusivity by exploring different genres of dance from around the world. We aim to foster a safe space where students can express their appreciation of dance, creativity, and diversity while promoting a healthy environment for mental well-being through exercise and artistry. The Moving Party primarily focuses on hip-hop but also delves into Bollywood, Latin dance, ballet, and any dance form that our members bring to us. All students are welcome to come and dance, and we also have performance opportunities for on-campus events.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Raisa Zaman
Vice President — Andriana Vega
Secretary — Dominic Weiss

Faculty Advisor — Sarah Williams

Native American Law Student Association (NALSA)

The Penn State Dickinson Law branch of the Native American Law Student Association (NALSA) is dedicated to creating a supportive environment for Native American students and all who are committed to educating the Penn State Dickinson Law student body about Indian law, indigenous rights, and tribal sovereignty. NALSA offers educational and cultural events in aims at increasing this school-wide knowledge of tribal culture and law.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Morgan Sandler
Vice President — Casey Grohowski
Secretary — Daniella Cuellar
1L Representative and Social Media Manager — Taylor Banks
2L Representative — Nicholas Musgraves

Advisor — Andrea Martin

The Neurolaw & Policy Society (NLS)

The Neurolaw & Policy Society (NLS) seeks to provide learning and experiential opportunities to law students with an interest in the legal, ethical, and political issues that arise from the emergence of neuroscientific and cognitive research in the legal field. The organization educates students on neuroscientific and cognitive issues arising in law by sponsoring related programs that will benefit our members, the law school community, and the general public. NLS strives to encourage and empower its members, as future lawyers, to be informed and talented advocates for scientific evidence and research in the legal field.


OutLaw is Dickinson Law’s LGBTQ+ student organization — an inclusive community of LGBTQ+ and allied students at Dickinson Law. Together we address legal and social issues affecting the LBGTQ+ community by organizing collaborative programs that address issues of critical importance to the Dickinson Law community and helping connect students with opportunities across the legal profession. Whether you want community, are just asking questions, interested in learning more about LGBTQ+ issues, new to the community, or a lifelong ally, OutLaw is for you.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Jacob E. Maguire
Vice President — Joshua Hanson
Treasurer — Janvi Patel
Secretary — Ayah Manalastas
NCAC Coordinator— Anna Cook
3L Class Representative — Jake Toth
2L Class Representative — Victoria Martinez
1L Class Representative —
Jamie McClung

Faculty Advisor  Associate Dean Jeffrey A. Dodge

Phi Alpha Delta — Burr Chapter (PAD)

The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service.

The Burr Chapter of the Dickinson Law campus in Carlisle provides numerous benefits to its members, including Judges’ Night, Mock Trial Competition, Biennial Convention, outline bank, scholarships, networking opportunities, and discounted bar prep.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Ethan Kincaid
Vice President — Nicole Cesanek
Treasurer — Noah Yeagley
Marshall — Ethan Bulger
Clerk — Daryn Kent

Faculty Advisor — Associate Dean Laura Williams

Public Interest Law Fund (PILF)

The Dickinson Law Public Interest Law Fund (PILF) is dedicated to the legal and social aspects of public interest work. PILF promotes awareness and understanding of public interest work through education, fundraising, and social activities. Each year, PILF also raises money for the Degenstein Foundation and Cherie M. Millage Fellowship program, which supports law students who work for public interest organizations.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Leonard Sandler
Auction Chair — Steffanie Craig
Vice President of Fellowship — Uyen Nguyen
Vice President of Fundraising — Leanna Yost
Vice President of Service — Alaina Kutzmitsky

Advisor — Thomas Lee

Specialty Court Support (SCS)

Specialty Court Support’s (SCS) mission is to educate Penn State Dickinson Law students about how the law can focus on treatment and rehabilitation to improve long-term success for people entangled in the criminal justice system due to mental health issues. Often, many of the participants in specialty court programs have not had jobs or résumés due to the nature of their untreated mental health issues or addiction. SCS will allow for law students to interact with specialty court participants and identify non-legal solutions through résumé building, job preparation, and additional assistance outside of what the treatment teams already provide.


Sports and Entertainment Law Society (SELS)

Dickinson Law’s Sports and Entertainment Law Society is for the benefit of students who are interested in the area of sports and entertainment law. The Sports and Entertainment Law Society works to expand the member’s knowledge of the sports and entertainment industries, and facilitate career guidance and networking opportunities by introducing members to mentors and practitioners in the industry. Although our main focus in the SELS organization is towards those interested in sports and entertainment law, we welcome all of the students interested in other areas: labor and employment, intellectual property, contracts, mediation and arbitration, consulting, marketing, government relations, class-actions, and a variety of other areas in the law that are touched on by the industry. Active members of the Sports and Entertainment Law Society also have a unique opportunity to compete in a baseball arbitration competition.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Marcus Myers
Vice President — Michelle Kengkart
Treasurer — Jinghang Zhang
Secretary — Alexis Faulkner
Competition Coach — Leonard Sandler
Mentorship Chair — Alexis Faulkner

Faculty Advisor — Stanley Brand

Women’s Law Caucus (WLC)

The Women’s Law Caucus (WLC) seeks to promote an awareness and understanding of the legal and social issues facing women today through discussion, education, and networking. The WLC is open to the entire law school community. The WLC sponsors lectures, fundraisers, and social activities in an effort to expose law students to the gender issues we all face. Each year the WLC is committed to raising money for local women’s shelters and other organizations. The WLC also sponsors the Honorable Sylvia H. Rambo Award Ceremony, which honors an outstanding legal professional, as well as the Recent Graduate Award. The Rambo Award is given in honor of Chief Judge Sylvia Rambo of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. All of our events are open to the entire Law School community.

2024-2025 Executive Board
President — Ayah Manalastas
Vice President — Daniella Cuellar
Treasurer — Karla Kiefer
Mentorship Chair — Kristen Ramillano
Public Relations Chair — Camille Penman
Philanthropy Chair — Angela Osimen
Activities Chair — Skyler Hancock

Faculty Advisor — Associate Dean Laura Williams