Sofi Phillips ’25

Sofi PhillipsHometown: Bellingham, WA
Schedule a meeting with Sofi!

Legal Areas of Interest:
Immigration law and international criminal law

Undergraduate Study:
Western Washington University, B.S. in Human Services

Campus and Community Involvement:
2L Representative of the International Law Society; Legal Writing & Analysis TA; Student Admissions Ambassador

Life Before Dickinson Law:
Before starting law school, I lived in Grand Junction, Colorado where I worked in Human Resources for a federal contractor.

A Dickinson Law Favorite:
Ros Lister at the Career Services Office! She is the best!

Why Dickinson Law?:
Coming from a small program at my undergrad university, I was looking for a school with smaller class sizes, where I could engage with all my professors and peers. Dickinson Law emphasizes fostering a community!

Favorite Course:
International Human Rights Seminar

Advice for Prospective Law Students:
Set healthy and productive habits before starting law school! This will set you up for success as you go through your 1L year.

Something You Love About Carlisle:
The farmers market every Wednesday. It’s so nice to buy local food, and support farmers and vendors!

On Choosing A Law School:
Speak to the current students! Learning about the experiences of current students is a direct insight into what life is like at that law school.

You’d Never Guess That… :
I’ve lived in three different countries!

Favorite Book:
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan