Skladany in the Media

The Next Netflix Should Be Owned By Screenwriters (essay), NOĒMA

We Regulate Everything From Food to Toys, Why Are We So Afraid to Do the Same for Social Media? (opinion), The Messenger

Alle bør ha rett til å etterlate seg en digital arv., Aftenposten

A Million-Dollar Tuition Bill for the Top 1 Percent? It’s the best way to fix higher education and reduce economic inequality (opinion), Politico

Biden-Trump pact 2024: Biden should commit to not run for president if Trump agrees to do the same (commentary), Salon

The first step in dumping Trump, Fulcrum

Why Hollywood Should Leave Dead Actors Alone (guest column), Variety

Subsidize Free Calls Into and Out of Dictatorships and War Zones, The National Interest

Herd immunity From COVID? Not going to happen. Let's shoot for “herd resistance,” instead, Miami Herald

Asylum to Stay Not Flee, Newsweek

How to Stop CEOs From Laying Off Workers While Earning FortunesSlate

Stop Stealing Doctors from Developing Countries, Scientific American

Tuition discounts don't make sense, increased funding for financial aid does, Brookings

The sticker price of college can mislead students. Covid-19 might make it worse., The Washington Post 

Governors have the duty — and power — to protect the public, The Hill

“Technology unions” could be unions of conscience for Big Tech, The Hill

To curb dangers of media consumption, let’s reconsider copyright law, The Hill

Trump’s net neutrality blunder is alarming for U.S. foreign policy, The Hill

The least bad resolution of the latest North Korean crisis, The Hill