Sabrina SondhiAugust 2023 — Professor Sabrina Sondhi was invited to speak at the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 2023 Annual Meeting held in Boston, MA July 15-18. Along with Amy Carr and Donna Trimble, she spoke on a panel titled “Are You Ready?: Succession Planning Done Right.”

Smart succession planning is more important than ever whether you are facing senior staff retirement, employees’ extended time away, or other staffing changes. Succession planning also pays dividends in other ways—helping you identify and develop talent among current staff, strengthening DEI initiatives, and building a strong foundation for future projects. This panel explored the value of developing a plan, including getting support from senior leadership, and developing documentation to guide a successor.

Professor Sondhi has been invited to speak at the AALL Annual Meeting several times during her career as a law librarian. She has also held several elected leadership positions for this national professional organization, most recently Chair of the Academic Law Libraries special interest section in 2020-21.

Sabrina Sondhi is the Director of the H. Laddie Montague, Jr. Law Library at Penn State Dickinson Law. In addition to her library administrator responsibilities, she teaches valuable skills to first-year students as a Professor of Legal Research. Her research interests include algorithmic bias, legal history, and legal research pedagogy.