November 2023 — Professor Amy C. Gaudion has contributed a chapter to the third edition of Foundations of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: Law and Policy (Martin J. Alperen ed., 3d ed. forthcoming 2023) (Wiley). The article, “The Homeland Security Legal Architecture Before 9/11,” offers a complete guide to understanding homeland security law. The newly revised and updated Third Edition enables readers to develop a conceptual understanding of the legal foundations of homeland security and emergency management (HSEM) by presenting the primary source law and policy documents we have established to address “all hazards,” both terrorism and natural disasters. The book demonstrates that HSEM involves many specialties and that it must be viewed expansively and in the long-term. Gaudion’s chapter gives readers a sense of the legal scaffolding that undergirds the field of homeland security law. It uses case studies to illustrate the strengths and flaws of the early legal authorities in application and catalogs the persistent tensions and challenges that have historically characterized inquiry and analysis in the field of homeland security law. Its objective is to provide readers with an overview of the foundational legal architecture governing the field of homeland security and the background context necessary to appreciate the field’s dramatic evolution after the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Amy C. Gaudion is an associate professor of law at Penn State Dickinson Law as well as the founder of Dickinson Law’s annual cyberspace simulation with the U.S. Army War College. Her scholarship focuses on national security law, cyberspace, and civilian-military relations, and she leads Dickinson Law’s national security and cyberspace programs.