class photosMay 2024 — Penn State Dickinson Law held commencement exercises in Dickinson College’s Anita Tuvin Schlecter Auditorium on Friday, May 10, 2024. At that time, two S.J.D. candidates, 11 LL.M. candidates, and 91 J.D. candidates were recognized.

Dean Danielle M. Conway welcomed all to the ceremony and introduced Penn State Interim Executive Vice President and Provost Dr. Tracy Langkilde to deliver opening remarks. Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Michelle Henry served as 2024 commencement speaker. Henry is a life-long public servant and 26-year veteran prosecutor, and as such, she continues to pursue critical efforts to protect Pennsylvanians.

General Henry related to the students, “This is an exciting moment for all of you, and therefore for all of us. Standing here, I can’t help but reflect back on my own law school graduation. There is nothing like that sense of excitement and anxiety about the next challenge that the future holds, but it is just a feeling. The reality is, with this degree you have the key to unlock a future of success and impact. Now is your time. Let this moment sink in. Take a moment to pause and reflect on what it took to get here . . . all the sacrifices you made. The hard work you put in, the fortitude and the grit to get to this very moment. You should be proud of yourselves. I know it was not easy, but you made it, and today is about celebrating you and your accomplishments.”

Master of Laws graduate Yashaswi Khanal and J.D. graduate Eli Yemzow offered remarks during the ceremony. Prior to attending Dickinson Law for her LL.M. Degree, Khanal earned a bachelor of business management and law from Kathmandu University School of Law in Nepal. Khanal reflected on the shared challenges with fellow LL.M. students: “Although we had our own path to follow, we acknowledged our collective presence in celebrating festivals, exchanging practices, ideas, taking aesthetic pictures of each other, and cherishing our major strength: unity and diversity. We created our own little world, knowing that we were never alone, and eventually, we discovered a sense of home away from home.”

David M. Kleppinger, Chairman Emeritus of the Penn State Board of Trustees, conferred the degrees, which were presented by Jeffrey A. Dodge, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Assistant Professor of Law, and Joseph H. Goldstein Faculty Scholar. Madelyn R. Snyder ’22, delivered alumni association remarks and welcomed the graduates into the Dickinson Law Alumni Society of the Penn State Alumni Association.

Representing the J.D. members of the class of 2024, Yemzow “Have no fear. Know that you are destined to make a mark on this world. Every member of the class of 2024 has come here following an incredible journey of their own. The common thread of our story has culminated here, in this place and in this institution. Here we found a home where we not only lived but thrived. We found community and comfort in knowing when things got tough, we had each other to lean on, and we take further comfort in knowing that no matter where we go or what we do, we always have this community, and this community always has us.”

J.D. Class of 2024


LL.M. Students
















Dean Danielle M. Conway

Penn State Dickinson Law Dean and Donald J. Farage Professor of Law Danielle M. Conway


Provost Designate

Penn State Interim Executive Vice President and Provost Dr. Tracy Langkilde


Yashaswi Khanal

Master of Laws graduate Yashaswi Khanal


Pennsylvajnia Attorney General Michelle Henry

Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry


Eli Yemzow

J.D. graduate Eli Yemzow