Pearson in the Media

Katherine Pearson Delivers Report at 2024 Annual Sonya L. Patterson Memorial Elder Abuse Symposium in Oklahoma

Professor Pearson explains customers’ reasonable expectations in the Wall Street Journal article, “Retirees’ Life Savings Can Vanish in Continuing Care Bankruptcies,” which focuses on contracts with long-term care providers (June 2024).

“Combining Education and Community Service for Pennsylvania Law Students: ‘Wills for Heroes’” in Elder Law Prof Blog 

“Pennsylvania Law Schools’ Elder Justice Consortium Hosts Free Webinar in Support of National Healthcare Decision Day” in Elder Law Prof Blog

“Penn State Dickinson Law Supports the Search For Equity in Aging” in Elder Law Prof Blog

Professor Katherine Pearson on “States with the Best Elder-Abuse Protections (2024)” in “WalletHub”

Professor Katherine Pearson quoted in MarketWatch, “‘The hell that they put me through’: Nursing homes suing caregivers for debts they don’t owe, regulator says”

“Here’s how continuing care retirement communities work and why some go bankrupt,” in The Dallas Morning News

Professor Pearson discusses “Edgemere’s bankruptcy follows filings by three other Texas age-in-place communities”

Kiplinger’s Retirement Report (December 2018) interviews Professor Pearson about refundable fee agreements

Choose Agents for Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy Carefully,” in Kiplinger's Retirement Report

Professor Pearson authors timely piece on Senior Safe Act for

Professor Pearson for The New York Times: “How to Talk About Moving to a Retirement Home: ‘It’s A Journey’”

Professor Pearson testifies before Pennsylvania House Committee on Aging and Older Adults Services on the topic of enhanced roles for law schools, clinics, legal aid organizations and private lawyers in providing better access for older adults to legal and economic justice

Professor Pearson interviewed by Reuters News columnist on recent reports of exploitation by court-appointed guardians

“Snake Oil,” Tattoos & Why Some Hospice Doctors Prefer Medical Powers of Attorney: More Highlights from ASU’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law’s Conference on “The Aging Brain”

Legal Implications of Biomarkers for Dementia Highlight ASU’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law’s Conference on “The Aging Brain”

Professor Katherine Pearson on caring for an elderly parent or relative from afar in Kiplinger's Retirement Report

Professor Katherine Pearson explains why long-term care facilities are sometimes “Going After Kids for Parents’ Care Costs” for Kiplinger’s Retirement Report

Professor Pearson on the financial risk of continuing care retirement communities

Professor Pearson comments on filial responsibility in “Children may have to foot bill for indigent parents’ care” in

Professor Pearson uses her international, comparative law experience to discuss ways to fight financial elder abuse in Project M.

Professor Katherine Pearson discusses “The Everything-in-One Promise of a Continuing Care Community,” in The New York Times

Professor Katherine Pearson discusses Cuban Health Care System with WIFT Smart Talk

Professor Pearson discusses Elder Law Task Force Report recommendations on WITF-Smart Talk

Professor Pearson comments in Bloomberg News on sex-abuse case involving wife with dementia

Professor Katherine Pearson featured on HuffPost: Are you the adult in your family? 

Katherine Pearson on statutory obligation for long-term care in “The Savings Game”

Katherine Pearson explains filial support laws in The Daily Beast

Professor Pearson discusses CCRCs in the New York Times column “The New Old Age”

AARP blog cites Professor Katherine Pearson’s “Beware of Befrienders”

Professor Pearson provides advice on filial responsibility for LA Times column

Professor Pearson explains Medicare vs. Medicaid on NPR’s Marketplace Money

Professor Katherine Pearson shares insights on filial support for aging parents

Planning a move to a retirement community? Professor Katherine Pearson's Tips.

Professor Katherine Pearson and several alumni to serve on Pennsylvania Supreme Court Elder Law Task Force

Professor Katherine Pearson on nursing home debt collection research

Professor Katherine Pearson encourages states and CCRC operators to prioritize residents’ rights

Professor Pearson quoted in WSJ article “Are you on the hook for Mom’s nursing home bill?”

Professor Pearson explains family support case on Radio Smart Talk

Professor Pearson on Pennsylvania filial support case to Business Insider

Professor Katherine Pearson explains new filial support case to

Professor Pearson on protections for whistle-blowers in long-term care facilities

Professor Pearson discusses filial support laws on Australian national radio

Professor Pearson to speak on preventing elder abuse

Professor Pearson studies elderly access to justice

Professor Katherine Pearson to chair London conference at the Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies

Professor Pearson to address financial abuse of seniors at seminar in Ireland

Professor Pearson discusses the elderly as targets of fraud on WITF-Smart Talk

Professors co-author book on the law of financial abuse and exploitation

Professor Katherine Pearson on continuing care retirement communities

Professor Pearson to testify before U.S. Senate Committee on Aging

Professor Pearson will speak at Brunel University in London

Two law faculty members receive Fulbright awards

Professor Pearson quoted in national media about filial support laws