Lyubomir Avdzhiyski

Lyubomir Avdshiyski

Adjunct Professor of Law


About Avdzhiyski

Lyubomir Avdzhiyski is a legal expert from Bulgaria with more than ten years of legal and research experience. His research has been focused on State Sovereignty and Human Rights in Cyberspace. Professor Avdzhiyski has an extensive legal background including work as a court clerk for Sofia Regional Court in Sofia, Bulgaria; legal researcher for Institute for Market Economics (think tank); coordinator of the expert working group and executive council member of the Democratic Bulgaria Coalition of Yes, Bulgaria Movement; as head of the legal team of Paynetics Ad and Paynetics UK; co-founder and lead researcher of The Center for Monitoring Justice; and as a court clerk for Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas.

Avdzhiyski received a Bachelor of Laws degree from University of National and World Econony (UNWE) Law School in Sofia, Bulgaria and a Master of Laws degree with a concentration in National Security from Penn State Dickinson Law in 2022.