Jennifer Allison

Jennifer Allison

Adjunct Professor of Law

Location: Carlisle

Penn State Dickinson Law
150 South College Street
Carlisle, PA 17013


About Allison

Jennifer Allison is an experienced lecturer in U.S. legal research and U.S. substantive law courses.

Professor Allison served as a Librarian for Foreign, Comparative, and International Law at the Pepperdine Law School Library from 2007 to 2012, and at the Harvard Law School Library from 2012 to 2022. Throughout her career in law librarianship, in addition to her responsibilities in public services and collection development, she taught U.S. legal research to J.D. and LL.M. students, as well as library training sessions and workshops in foreign and international law research, ADR research, and U.S. legal citation.

Prior to coming to Penn State Dickinson Law, Professor Allison was an adjunct professor at the law schools of the University of New Hampshire (1L Legal Research) and Northeastern University (Introduction to U.S. Constitutional Law for LL.M. Students).

Professor Allison holds a Juris Doctor from Pepperdine Law School (2007), a Master’s in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University (2010), and an LL.M. in German Law from the law faculty of the University of Würzburg (2018). The topic of her LL.M. thesis was the protection of fundamental rights under the German Basic Law by private actors who perform public functions. In addition to having completed her LL.M. in Würzburg, she taught as an adjunct professor in the law faculty's Foreign Law and Languages Department there since 2017, offering courses in legal English and substantive U.S. law (Criminal Law and Procedure, Administrative Law, Remedies, and Alternative Dispute Resolution).

Professor Allison’s scholarly interests include social justice, critical legal studies, the intersection of law and language, and the navigation of the acculturation process by international students.

Professor Allison identifies as a white cisgender woman.