by Jeffrey A. Dodge, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Services

January 21, 2020 — In early January each year, law professors and administrators from around the country gather to discuss current legal issues, engage as a community, and learn from each other to advance our teaching and scholarship. The Association of American Law Schools (AALS) annual meeting attracts hundreds, maybe even thousands, of attendees each year and is a welcomed way to begin the spring semester.

Jeffrey A. DodgeNow in its 114th year, the AALS annual meeting is also a time for subject matter area and affinity identified sections to sponsor programs, hold business meetings, and elect new leaders. In 2019, I had the opportunity to serve as chair of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues (SOGII) section, a conclusion to my roles as executive committee member, secretary, and chair-elect over the last few years. I’m proud to share that the SOGII section was involved in three well received programs this year, collaborating with the Mental Health and the Law and Student Services sections on panels as well as hosting a New Voices workshop. Under my leadership the section also created and awarded the first ever LGBTQ+ Inclusive Excellence Award.

My involvement with AALS actually started by rising to the chair role of the International Exchange section in 2012. As a result of 14 years of annual meetings I’ve grown as a legal educator, attorney, and professional. Being involved with AALS has vastly expanded my network while advancing the work of my law schools. In 2020 I’m honored to continue this service as a new executive committee member of the Student Services section and return as a non-officer member of SOGII.  

I’m proud of my affiliation with this important organization and always look forward to welcoming new colleagues to its opportunities.