Harison Citrawan
Home Country: Indonesia
Email: hmc5713@psu.edu
Life Before Dickinson Law:
I was a researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia. For the last ten years my research has been focusing on human rights policies, prison and punishment, and transitional justice. I obtained an LL.B. degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada and LL.M. degree from University of Groningen. I am a Fulbright scholar.
Research Focus:
My dissertation discusses about temporalities in legal reasoning. It investigates how and to what extent legal actors engage in the multiplicity of temporalities in legal inquiries associated with historical cases.
Advice for Prospective Law Students:
Studying at Penn State Dickinson Law and living in Carlisle is a perfect combination for any S.J.D. students to produce high-quality legal research.