Devon Spiva ’27

Devon SpivaHometown: Savannah, Georgia
Schedule a meeting with Devon!

Undergraduate Study:
Political Science and Paralegal Certification — Georgia Southern University

Campus and Community Involvement:
SBA 1L Representative, Outlaw, Hearsay

Life Before Penn State Dickinson Law:
Gap year working as a paralegal in civil litigation, estate planning, and probate

A Penn State Dickinson Law Favorite:
Community Conversations

Why Penn State Dickinson Law?:
I wanted to find a law school with a strong community and a focus on justice. Penn State Dickinson Law met those criteria. I visited for the first time on Admitted Students Day and knew then that it was the law school for me.

Favorite Course:

Advice for Prospective Law Students:
You belong. Whether you are continuing your education journey right out of undergrad or if you are changing your career path, you belong in the legal field and we’re so glad to have you as a part of our community at Penn State Dickinson Law.

Something You Love About Carlisle:
You can walk everywhere and there’s always something new to discover.

On Choosing A Law School:
Choose the law school that feels right to you. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and change your current living situation to pursue your education. Law school is a big investment, make sure that it's one that fits your wants and needs.

You’d Never Guess That… :
I’m a big UGA football fan (unless they’re playing against Penn State.)

Favorite Book:
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak