Danielle M. Conway
Dean and Donald J. Farage Professor of LawDanielle M. Conway is the dean and Donald J. Farage professor of law at Penn State Dickinson Law. A leading expert in procurement law, entrepreneurship, intellectual property law, and licensing intellectual property, Dean Conway joined Dickinson Law after serving for four years as dean of the University of Maine School of Law and 14 years on the faculty of the University Prior to her deanships, Dean Conway was a member of the faculties at the Georgetown University Law Center and the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law. She also served as a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Australia and later as Chair in Law at LaTrobe University, Faculty of Law & Management in Australia. Dean Conway is the author or editor of six books and casebooks as well as numerous book chapters, articles, and essays. Her scholarly agenda and speeches have focused on, among other areas, advocating for public education and for actualizing the rights of marginalized groups, including Indigenous Peoples, minoritized people, and members of rural communities. Dean Conway’s most recent publication focuses on different aspects of building an antiracist law school, legal academy, and legal profession through leadership, vision priorities, and transformational diversity, equity, and inclusion-focused admissions and faculty and staff recruitment and retention. Dean Conway is the co-recipient of the inaugural Association of American Law Schools’ (AALS) Impact Award, which honors individuals who have had a significant, positive impact on legal education or the legal profession. Dean Conway received this recognition for her work in establishing the Law Deans Antiracist Clearinghouse Project. Launched in June 2020, the project is a webpage for law deans, faculty and staff, and the public that contains resources and information related to addressing racism in law and legal education. Dean Conway also serves as one of three co-chairs of the Select Penn State Presidential Commission on Racism, Bias, and Community Safety. Dean Conway earned her bachelor’s degree from New York University Stern School of Business, double majoring in finance and international business. She earned her J.D. degree, with honors, from the Howard University School of Law, where she graded on to the Howard Law Journal and served on the leadership board of the National Moot Court Team. She holds dual LL.M. degrees in Government Procurement Law and Environmental Law from the George Washington University Law School. She has been admitted to the bars in the District of Columbia, Hawai’i, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. In January 2025, Dean Conway was named President-Elect of Association of American Law Schools (AALS). Dean Conway has been a member of the American Law Institute since 2004. She is an appointed member of the AALS Executive Committee, appointed to the Board of Directors of AccessLex Institute, and an appointed member of both the Pennsylvania Bar Association COVID-19 Task Force and the Joint Task Force on Continuity of Legal Services. In 2016, Dean Conway retired from the U.S. Army in the rank of lieutenant colonel after 27 years of combined active, reserve, and national guard service. Select Publications by Dean Conway “Building an Antiracist Law School: Inclusivity in Admissions and Retention of Diverse Students — Leadership Determines DEI Success,” 23 Rutgers Race & L. Rev. 1 (2021) “The Cognitive Dissonance Between the Rule of Law and Rural Realities: Reading Gillian Hadfield’s Rules for a Flat World in the Context of Rural Identity and Politics,” 5 Creighton J. Interdisc. Leadership 4 (2019). “Legal Deserts: A Multi-State Perspective on Rural Access to Justice,” 13 Harv. L. & Pol’y Rev. 15 (2018) (with Lisa R. Pruitt, Amanda L. Kool, Lauren Sudeall, Michele Statz, and Hannah Haksgaard) Intellectual Property, Software, and Information Licensing: Law and Practice (with Professors Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Robert Gomulkiewicz) (BNA 2d ed. 2018) Licensing Intellectual Property: Theory and Application (with Professors Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Robert Gomulkiewicz) (Wolters Kluwer 4th ed. 2018) Transnational Intellectual Property Law (West Publishers 2015) State and Local Government Procurement (ABA Publishing 2012) |
Conway’s Publications
Books and Book Series
Transnational Intellectual Property Law (2d ed. West Publishers 2022)
Survey of the United States Government Contracts Law: Policy, Principles, and Practice (4th ed. forthcoming)
Transnational Intellectual Property Law (with Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Lateef Mtima) [West Academic]
State and Local Government Procurement (2012). [ABA]
Licensing Intellectual Property: Theory and Application (4th ed. forthcoming) (with Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Robert Gomulkiewicz) [Amazon]
Teacher’s Manual for Licensing Intellectual Property: Theory and Application (4th ed. forthcoming) (with Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Robert Gomulkiewicz) [Wolters Kluwer]
Intellectual Property, Software, and Information Licensing: Law and Practice (2006, with 2007-2017 Supplements) (2nd ed. forthcoming) (with Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Robert Gomulkiewicz).
Book Chapters and Essays
The Rise of the Collective Decanal Voice in BEYOND IMAGINATION (Mark Alexander ed., West Publishers 2022)
Additional Publications
“The Rise of the Collective Decanal Voice” in Beyond Imagination (Mark Alexander ed., West Publishers 2022)
“Higher Ed and the Policing of Memory: Why universities must help lead the battle to defend and expand critical race theory,” in The Forum
“The Miracle at Marrakesh: Doing Justice for the Blind and Visually Impaired While Changing the Culture of Norm Setting at WIPO,” in Diversity in Intellectual Property (2015) (Irene Calboli and Srividhya Ragavan) [Cambridge]
“Public Procurement’s Role in Facilitating Social Justice, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation in the Global Knowledge Economy,” in Intellectual Property, Entrepreneurship, and Social Justice (2015) (Lateef Mtima) [Edward Elgar]
“Implicit Racial and Gender Bias in Right of Publicity Cases and Intellectual Property Law Generally,” in Implicit Racial Bias Across the Law (2012) (Justin D. Levinson and Robert J. Smith) [Cambridge]
“Sustainable Procurement Policies and Practices at the State and Local Government Level,” in Greening Local Government: Legal Strategies for Promoting Sustainability, Efficiency, and Fiscal Savings (2012) (Keith H. Hirokawa and Patricia E. Salkin) [ABA]
“Hawaii Procurement Rules and Regulations,” in Guide to State Procurement: A 50-state Primer on Purchasing Laws, Processes and Procedures (2011) (Melissa Javon Copeland with G. Yaindl)
“Challenges for Oversight Over Multiple Award Task and Delivery Order Contracting: The New Frontier in Contracting Methods,” in LE CONTRÔL DES MARCHÊS PUBLICS, TOME 21, Bibliothèque de l’Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne – André Tunc (2009) (G. Marcou, L. Foilliot-Lalliot, D.I. Gordon, S.L. Schooner, J. Schwartz, C. Yukins)
“Being All Things to All People: Expectations of and Demands on Women of Color in the Legal Academy,” in From Oppression to Grace: Women of Color and Their Dilemmas within the Academy 21-30 (2006) (Theodorea Regina Berry and Nathalie Mizelle) [Stylus]
Intellectual Property Law: Commercial, Creative, and Industrial Property, Law Journal Press (Contributing author – Chapters 4, 6, 9, and 10) (2003)
The Assault on Critical Race Theory as Pretext for Populist Backlash on Institutions of Higher Education, 66, No. 4 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 707 (2022)
Antiracist Lawyering in Practice Begins with the Practice of Antiracist Teaching and Learning in Law Schools, 2022, No. 4 UTAH L. REV. 723 (2022)
A Black Woman Law Dean Speaks About the Precarity of Leadership, 51.2 SW. L. REV. 240 (2022)
Black Women’s Suffrage, the 19th Amendment, and the Duality of a Movement, 13.1 ALA. C.R. & C.L. L. REV. 1 (forthcoming 2022) (lead article)
Building an Antiracist Law School: Inclusivity in Admissions and Retention of Diverse Students — Leadership Determines DEI Success, 23 RUTGERS RACE & L. REV. 1 (2021) (with Bekah Saidman-Krauss and Rebecca Schreiber)
Embracing and Making Change: Serving the Law Students of Today and Tomorrow, 70, Nos. 2 & 3 J. LEGAL EDUC. 100 (2021)
“Building an Antiracist Law School," LEX 2022, Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law
“Inclusivity in Admissions and Retention of Diverse Students: Leadership Determines DEI Success,” Rutgers Race & the Law Review, Vol. 21, No. 1
“Legal Deserts: a Multi-State Perspective on Rural Access to Justice,“ 12 HARV. L. & POL’Y REV (2018) (with Lisa R. Pruitt, Amanda L. Kool, Lauren Sudeall Lucas, Michele Statz, and Hannah Haksgaard) [SSRN] [PDF]
“Promoting Indigenous Innovation, Enterprise, and Entrepreneurship through the Licensing of Article 31 Indigenous Assets and Resources,” 64 SMU L. REV. 1095 (2011) [SSRN]
“Emerging Trends in International, Federal, and State and Local Government Procurement in an Era of Global Economic Stimulus Funding,” 32 U. HAW. L. REV. 29 (2010) [SSRN]
“Indigenizing Intellectual Property Law: Customary Law, Legal Pluralism, and the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, Identity, and Resources,” 15 TEX. WESLEYAN L. REV. 207 (2009) (Law Review Symposium Issue) [SSRN]
“Government Contractor and Grant Researcher Affirmative Defenses Against Patent Infringement,” 2007 JAN ARMY LAW. 139 [SSRN]
“Technology Transfer Agreements: Licensing of Trade Secrets and Works in Development,” ALI-ABA SM049 (September 2006)
“Defamation in the Digital Age: Liability in Chat Rooms, on Electronic Bulletin Boards, and in the Blogosphere,” ALI-ABA CK102 (April 2005), format revised and republished in 29 ALI-ABA BUS. L. COURSE MATERIALS J. 18 (2005) [SSRN]
“Safeguarding Hawaiian Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Heritage: Recognizing the Right to Self-Determination and Preventing the Commodification of Culture,” 48 HOW. L.J. 737 (2005) (Special Symposium Issue) [SSRN]
“Research and Development Deliverables under Government Contracts, Grants, Cooperative Agreements and CRADAs: University Roles, Government Responsibilities, and Contractor Rights,” 9 COMP. L. REV. & TECH. J. 181 (2004) [SSRN]
“Mongolia, Law Convergence, and the Third Era of Globalization,” 3 WASH. UNIV. GLOBAL STUD. L. REV. 63 (2004) [SSRN]
“Law and The Most Recent Era of Globalization: Mongolia Steps Forward to Address Issues of Globalization and Law Convergence,” 2 ACAD. MGMT (2002) (in Mongolian)
“The Perpetuation of Privilege and Anti-Affirmative Action Sentiment in Rice v. Cayetano,” 3 ASIAN-PAC. L. & POL’Y. J. 370 (2002) [SSRN]
“Remedying Trademark Infringement: The Role of Bad Faith in Awarding an Accounting of Defendant’s Profits,” 42 SANTA CLARA L. REV. 863 (2002) [SSRN]
“Factual Causation in Toxic Tort Litigation: A Philosophical View of Proof and Certainty in Uncertain Disciplines,” 35 U. RICH. L. REV. 875 (2002) (lead article) [SSRN]
“Uncloaking On-Campus Interviews: A Recruit’s Guide to the On-Campus Interview Process and the Job-Talk,” in Breaking into the Academy: The 2002-2004 Michigan Journal of Race & Law Guide for Aspiring Law Professors, 7 MICH. J. RACE & L. 523 (2002) [SSRN]
Essay and Opposite Editorial Page
Building an Antiracist Law School, 5 LEX 36 (2022)
Higher Ed and the Policing of Memory: Why universities must help lead the battle to defend and expand critical race theory, THE FORUM, August 8, 2022
Conway’s Presentations and Panels
Dean Conway to Deliver Keynote Address at Annual Thurgood Marshall Memorial Lecture (Sept. 13, 2023)
Understanding Your Journal’s Legacy and History, Scribes Second Sunday Webinar Series (Nov. 13, 2022)
Innovative Anti-Bias Programming 2022: A Curriculum for Our Times for Law Students and Law Faculty, Pennsylvania Bar Institute (Oct. 31, 2022)
Implicit Bias/Antiracism Training for LA County, Institutional Antiracism (Oct. 24, 2022)
Opening Keynote, Coalition Building & Intersectionality in Legal Education-Fall Symposium, CUNY School of Law (Sep. 30, 2022)
11th Annual Promoting Diversity in Law School Leadership Workshop, Institutional Priorities, Budgeting, and Financial Management for Deans, Seattle University School of Law (Nov. 16-17, 2022)
Integrating CRT into the Law Curriculum, African American Policy Forum, CRT Summer School (Jul. 22, 2022)
Legal Education in a Post-COVID World, Law & Society Annual Meeting (Jul. 15, 2022)
MacArthur Foundation President’s Speaker Series, Antiracism in Legal Education (June 29, 2022)
Practicing Law Institute, Antiracist Lawyering: Building an Antiracist-Centered Practice from Hiring to Client Development to Advocacy (May 16, 2022)
Antiracism Conference for Law Deans, S.J. Quinney College of Law (May 1-3, 2022)
State and Local Bar Associations, Advancing DEI in the Legal Profession and Bar Associations (April 27, 2022)
Cipriani & Werner Law Firm Retreat, Antiracism and DEI in Legal Education and the Profession (April 22, 2022)
Building a Better Legal Profession: Pathways to Bar Licensure Conference, Mitchell-Hamline School of Law (April 22, 2022)
Santa Clara Law Review Symposium-What to Expect in the Post-Pandemic New Normal: The Legal and Policy Issues of Returning to Work and Educating Learners in the “New Normal” (April 1, 2022)
Boston University School of Law Critical Race Theory Colloquium: Black Women’s Suffrage, the Nineteenth Amendment, and the Duality of a Movement (March 30, 2022)
Post & Schell, Women’s History Month Program & Award Ceremony March 24, 2022)
Penn State University More Rivers to Cross II Forum (March 22, 2022)
A Briefing with Black Leaders: Dickinson Law Edition (March 17, 2022)
Moderating Book Author Discussion with Elie Mystal: Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, Philadelphia Free Library Book Event, Taped by CNN (March 15, 2022)
Cumberland County Bar Association Lunch & Learn: Antiracism in Legal Education and the Profession (March 11, 2022)
Dickinson College, Transforming Conflict: Rethinking War, Justice, and Peace (March 1, 2022)
UConn Law Training on Building an Antiracist Law School and Legal Academy (Feb. 28, 2022)
Faegre & Drinker Dr. MLK, Jr. Commemoration Program Guest Speaker (Jan. 19, 2022)
Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State Dickinson Law, Health Justice Summit (Dec. 12, 2021)
Business Lawyers Institute/Virtual session on DEI with Rodney Akers (Nov. 10, 2021)
PA Bar Association, Women in the Profession Retreat CLE “Black Women in the Suffrage Movement” (Nov. 5 and 6, 2021)
Utah Law Review Symposium, #IncludeTheirStories: Rethinking, Reimagining, and Reshaping Legal Education, Keynote Address - Antiracism in Legal Education: Toward a Thick Vision of Systemic Equity (Nov 5, 2021)
Southwestern Law Review Symposium “Unequal Profession” Panelist (Oct 15, 2021)
Equal Justice Works Session/Virtual Leadership Development Training, Keynote Speaker: Antiracism in Legal Education (Oct 13, 2021)
2021 Richard J. Childress Memorial Lecture: Critical Race Theory, St. Louis University Law (Oct 8, 2021)
PA Bar Association, Minority Attorney Conference/Virtual (Oct 7, 2021)
Best Practices for Enhancing Diversity in the Appointments Process Workshop, Texas A&M University School of Law (Oct 4, 2021)
Conway’s Recent International and National Appointments
2022 Inductee, National HBCU Pre-Law Hall of Fame
2021 Member, Board of Directors, AccessLex Institute
2021 Member, Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Executive Committee (Three Year Term)
2020 Co-Chair, Select Penn State Presidential Commission on Racism, Bias, and Community Safety
2020 Member, Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) Joint Task Force on Continuity of Delivery of Legal Services