Barrett Marshall

Barrett Marshall

Adjunct Professor of Law

Location: University Park

Senior Consultant
The Inclusion Firm
777 Frickell Avenue #500-97777
Miama, FL 33131


About Marshall

Barrett Marshall, Esq. (they/them), currently a senior consultant at The Inclusion Firm, is the former legal director of Centre Safe, an organization dedicated to addressing and preventing interpersonal and sexual violence. Barrett previously served as the Director of the Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project at Community Legal Services in Philadelphia, where they worked to pilot a series of eviction prevention approaches and helped to pass a tenant’s Right to Counsel in the city. They have represented marginalized individuals in a wide variety of civil rights matters for over a decade including LGBTQ rights, employment discrimination, access to healthcare, housing, family law, and matters related to domestic violence and sexual assault. Systems change and program development are hallmarks of Barrett’s leadership experiences. They are a consummate leader and have deep expertise in analyzing and improving administrative systems using an intersectional lens and equitable framework. Further, Barrett has significant experience working with and within government systems as a policy advisor and as commissioner on inaugural boards addressing both LGBTQ and police oversight matters. A graduate of Penn State University, Temple University’s Beasley School of Law, a clinical professor, and frequent adjunct, Barrett is an eternal student and experienced educator. They have developed and delivered curriculum on a variety of DEI subjects including LGBTQ cultural competency, intersectionality, conflict resolution, trauma-informed communication, and positive leadership and supervision. Barrett has provided instruction to a wide variety of professionals and adapted leadership approaches and empowerment methods to many environments to support culture change.