Alexis Jabara ’27
Hometown: Mt. Vernon, Illinois
Schedule a meeting with Alexis!
Legal Areas of Interest:
Family Law, Education Law, Sports and Entertainment Law, Criminal Prosecution
Undergraduate Study:
Elementary Education
Graduate Study:
English Education
Campus and Community Involvement:
Sports and Entertainment Law Society, Intramural Sports Liaison, Women’s Law Caucus
Life Before Penn State Dickinson Law:
Before coming to law school, I worked as a teacher for five years. I worked as a College Composition instructor and high school English Language Arts teacher. I also coached girls’ and boys’ high school basketball and girls’ golf. I grew up in southern Illinois but moved out west after graduating high school. I lived in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona and then relocated to Fort Collins, Colorado.
A Penn State Dickinson Law Favorite:
Intramural basketball, Wellness Wednesday events, and Curtilage Comebacks!
Why Penn State Dickinson Law?:
Penn State Dickinson Law’s Carlisle location is so connected to Pennsylvvania history. I love the history of the town and school (and of course the creaky floors). The school community and Carlisle community is incredibly friendly, welcoming, and student-focused.
Favorite Course:
So far, Constitutional Law
Advice for Prospective Law Students:
Do what works best for you, don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.
Something You Love About Carlisle:
The town is very walkable and there are always fun events happening in the community.
On Choosing A Law School:
Visit the school in-person if you can. The way you feel on campus will tell you a lot. Make sure to ask questions about the school AND what life is like outside of school.
You’d Never Guess That… :
I have more letters in my full name than the number of letters in the English alphabet.
Favorite Book:
Single book is too hard to choose! Top three: The Greatest Game Ever Played by Mark Frost, Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah, and 1984 by George Orwell