Rachel James '24

Rachel James '24Hometown: Anna, Texas
Email: rlj5302@psu.edu
Schedule a meeting with Rachel!

Legal Areas of Interest:
Government and Public Policy

Undergraduate Study:
Drake University, with a degree in political science and journalism

Campus and Community Involvement:
I serve as SBA President, Vice President of OutLaw, as Comment Editor of Dickinson Law Review, as a tutor, volunteer at Project Share, and am on the Mock Trial competition team.

Life Before Dickinson Law:
Right before law school I worked on the Presidental Primary campaigns back in 2020.

A Dickinson Law Favorite:
The annual Thon dodgeball tournament

Why Dickinson Law?:
The opportunity to be a leader and connect with people in a tight-knit community was so appealing and allowed me to feel a part of my institution.

Externship Experience:
I worked at the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association advocating for journalists and newspapers at a state legislature level.

Favorite Course:
Civil Procedure

Advice for Prospective Law Students:
Be kind and work hard — everything else will work out.

Something You Love About Carlisle:
Weekly trivia nights!

On Choosing A Law School:
At the end of the day, you end up exactly where you need to be. Trust that you take the same courses wherever you go, but that atmosphere determines so much.

You’d Never Guess That… :
I worked on a miniature pony farm when I was younger.

Favorite Book:
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald